Autumn is the time of year for mushroom picking in our family. I think it's more of a continental thing, a number of traditional Polish dishes include wild mushrooms. The tastiest are Boletus edulis (you may have heard of the Italian 'Porcini'), but we usually scrape a few others together too.
We always used to pop down the A3 and go to the woods not far from Wisley. Over the past few years they have gradually been taking back the forestry pines and giving it over to heathland. Which is a shame as it means less mushrooms.
These ones (Amanita muscaria) are probably best left alone...
It was a lovely clear day and the Pinus sylvestris here were very photogenic!
These are coral fungus, Calocera cornea.
A plantation of lichens.
Another mushroom (Avantaclewia damdifino)
This is one of my favourite woodland photos. I took it myself and it's covered by copyright.
Oh well, no edible mushrooms this time, but a nice day out nevertheless.
******UPDATE November 21st******
Success! The bumper crop of mushrooms was probably bought about by the unseasonably mild autumn we've had. These will be delicious (once de-magotted).